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Ace Im&Ex Co.,Ltd.

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sodium hydroxide
sodium hydroxide
Specification: 96%
Detail: We are exporter of sodium hydroxide in China.

calcium hydroxide
calcium hydroxide
Specification: 93%-95%
Detail: We are exporter of calcium hydroxide.

sodium hydroxide
sodium hydroxide
Specification: 96%
Detail: We can suplly you with high quality sodium hydroxide.

calcium hydroxide
calcium hydroxide
Specification: 93-95%
Detail: We can suplly you with high quality Calcium Hydroxide.

calcium carbide
calcium carbide
Specification: gas yield 295
Detail: We can supply calcium carbide sizes 1-4mm,4-15mm,4-25mm or other smaller sizes

caustic soda
caustic soda
Specification: 96%
Detail: We are exporter of caustic soda flakes.

calcium hydroxide
calcium hydroxide
Specification: 93-95%
Detail: We are the largest lime manufacturer in China, have the annual output of calcium hydroxide over 70,000Mt by using advanced automatic production process. Its digestion equipment was imported from Japan with the stable quality a...

calcium hydroxide
calcium hydroxide
Specification: 93-95%
Detail: We are exporter of calcium hydroxide.

sodium  hydroxide
sodium hydroxide
Specification: 96-99%
Detail: We are exporter of sodium hydroxide.

calcium hydroxide
calcium hydroxide
Specification: 93-95%
Detail: We are the largest manufacturer of calcium hydroxide in China
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